This is the view I mentioned yesterday. The first thing I see when I look out my bedroom window every morning - lucky, I know.
Yesterday I looked out at exactly the right moment to see the little red boat caught in the sun's spotlight for a brief few seconds, as the sun made it's morning journey up from behind the hills. No time to run outside with the camera, so this was a very quick shot taken through the window. A moment in time, caught forever by my camera.
Today is grey and damp, and the wee boat looks a duller shade of red. Another trick of the light.
What are you focusing on when you look out your window every day?
I wonder if the moorings will host visiting boats this year or if that's another thing put on hold for a while? Boats sit on stilts in the yards around here, waiting to return to their happy place. Exciting adventures only dreams for now. A bit like all of us right now.
As I work at my laptop every day I stream music and feel gratitude to my lovely and wise friend Scott who shares his playlists regularly. What a great way to hear music that you might never have discovered on your own. And every so often I hear something that just insists I get up and dance around the room for a few minutes - I love it!
How are you getting your daily exercise?
I can't keep up with all the video links I'm being sent by well meaning friends every day. Daily exercise and yoga classes in abundance. (Not to mention all the comedy clips!) It can be quite overwhelming, this online onslaught. I honestly don't have enough hours in the day to watch everything I'm being sent. Try to stick to what you're used to, and then add in more as and when you feel able for it. I've a feeling we're all going to come out of this either several stones heavier or super fit!!
I'm not going to add to your list of clips to watch, but this wonderful poem is so pertinent and worth sharing right now.
Kathleen O'Meara's poem:
"And People Stayed At Home", written in 1869, after the famine.
See you here tomorrow I hope. Mairi