Just when it felt like Autumn had arrived, the sun came back out and yesterday was a lovely sun-day. This is a good walk, with great views over to Easdale and Mull.
Today looks like it's moved on to Winter though. A good day for another jigsaw!
I'm making it difficult and not showing you the photo. Clues - autumn flowers and candles.
I hope your weekend has been productive. I feel like I achieved lots of things that I had on my 'to do' list after a change of plans that I wasn't expecting. So while I could have been really disappointed at the cancelled plans I feel I made the best of things, which is good. It could have been easy to feel sorry for myself and waste the weekend though.
Do you make lists? I make lots of lists - in notebooks, post-its, and in my head, so I've always got something to do.
While it's rainy and miserable outside here's the wee elephant that always makes me smile:
I wonder how the Rest and be Thankful is holding up in today's rain?
Tomorrow morning is our monthly quiz at the Coffee Morning on Zoom, so drop me an email if you'd like to join us for some fun - mairi@northargyllcarers.org.uk