I think he looks happy, and he made me smile when I saw him in the woods, but a friend thought he looked scary! What do you think?
Isn't it interesting how we all see things differently!
And wouldn't life be boring if we all thought the same?
Have you sent your entry in for one of our competitions yet? You've got till Sunday to email me, so get those thinking caps on.
Categories are:
Writing - A short story or poem, Arts & Crafts - A photo of your creation in any media, A special cake - send a photo of a special cake made to celebrate Carers Week.
You could choose to illustrate how it feels being a carer during lockdown, or just send us something creative. Can't wait to see all your entries! Prizes for all 3 categories.
Voting on Facebook next week.
Tomorrow morning will be my first Zoom Mindfulness session for carers, at 10.30am. Email me if you'd like to join me - mairi@northargyllcarers.org.uk
For those of you interested in writing, our 'Writing for Wellbeing' Group will be starting up on Zoom on Monday. Again, message me for the Zoom Login details.
The Scottish Book Trust's theme for this year's Book Week Scotland is 'Future'. You can submit a piece to them through their website, and we will be getting involved later in the year.
Here's one I love -
See you tomorrow.