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Writer's pictureMairi Fleck

Perfect memories.

I remember this day last year very clearly as it was my 60th Birthday, and I was spending a very special holiday with my wonderful family in a lovely cottage on South Uist.

Today I got some lovely surprises, including these goodies from my daughter, and the photo from last year.

It's definitely warmer this year!

I might not be in the Outer Hebrides, but it's pretty nice here at home. Once again I feel very fortunate.

No doubt there will be some tears later! I can't get over this emotional stuff.

Yesterday one of my carers from Mull joined us on the Zoom Coffee Morning, and I almost burst into tears when I saw her. I miss seeing so many people. I might as well get used to the tears as there's going to be plenty more emotional reunions to come (I hope).

As always my husband has managed to surprise me with amazing presents, and I walked into the kitchen this morning to be greeted by a purple wheelbarrow containing the beautiful Japanese Acer that I had been drooling over in the garden centre last weekend. And I've always wanted a purple wheelbarrow!

As time goes on I wonder how many of us will still have Lockdown Birthdays? It's not so bad really. I think people are making more effort to keep in touch because of the lockdown. Another good thing to have come out of this.

Yesterday we had a great chat at our coffee morning about good things that have come out of this time. Lots of positives. And everyone seemed to be feeling that they want to take their time to get back to things as they used to be, which suits me too. I certainly won't be rushing out to queue outside a shop to buy clothes (or anything else). I do worry about how businesses can survive, but then there are so many good stories about the way businesses have adapted and are thriving too. We all need a bit of imagination. I'm lucky to have plenty of that.

I really enjoy reading Judy Fairbairns' Blog from Mull, and thought today's entry was great:

Off to get ready for the Knitting Bee now. What a nice way to spend my Birthday.

See you soon maybe?


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